What does it mean when you get a numb feeling on the left side of your upper stomach? - QuoraWhat causes pain in my lower left abdomen? We include products that we believe are useful to our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we can win a small commission. The lower left side of your abdomen is home to the last part of your colon, and for some women, the left ovary. The minor pain in this area is not usually concerned and can be clarified by itself in a day or two. If you have pain related to an accident or injury, call your local emergency services immediately. You should also seek immediate medical attention if you feel pressure or pain in your chest. Ask someone to help you get urgent care or an emergency room if you have: Keep reading to get more information about the pain in the lower left abdomen, what causes, and when to consult your doctor. In many cases, the specific persistent pain on the lower left side of the abdomen is caused by diverticulitis. Bananas are small credos of pressure on weak points in the colon. Diverticulas are, and even more later. When a bag of tears, swelling and infection can cause diverticulitis. Other symptoms include: Less commonly, constipation or diarrhea may be a sign of diverticulitis. For mild diverticulitis, most people respond well to rest, a change in diet and antibiotics. Some people need surgery if the condition is severe or continues to return. Here are some of the most common reasons for pain on both sides of the lower abdomen. GasPasing gas and picor are normal. The gas can be found through your digestive tract, from the stomach to the rectum. Gas is the normal result of ingestion and digestion. The gas can be caused by:Gas is usually not serious. Talk to your doctor if you are persistent or go along with other symptoms, such as:IndigestionIndigestionIndigestion usually occurs after eating. Your stomach makes acid when you eat. This acid may irritate your esophagus, stomach, or intestine. Pain is usually at the top of the abdomen, but in rare cases it may also affect the lower abdomen. Indigestion is usually mild, and most people have had the discomfort, pain or burning sensation that can go along with it. Other symptoms include: Consult your doctor if indigestion continues or gets worse. Hernia A hernia is the result of an internal organ or another part of the body pushing through the muscle or tissue around it. A lump or lump may appear with some hernia in the abdomen or groin. Other symptoms may include: Different symptoms go along with each type of hernia. For example, hiatal hernias do not produce a bulga. The specific cause depends on the type of hernia. Hernias may cause serious problems, so consult your doctor if you suspect you may have one. Kidney stones A kidney stone usually starts to cause problems when it moves around within your kidney or in your ureter, the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder. The stone can cause severe pain on the side and back, under the ribs. Pain can also come in waves and improve or worsen from one moment to another, as the stone moves through its urinary tract. You may also experience: There is not a single cause of a kidney stone. Some things can increase your risk, as if someone in your family had a stone. Talk to your doctor if you have symptoms that concern you. Shingles, have you had chickenpox? If so, the varicela-zoster virus sits quietly in your body. The virus may appear again later as herpes. Go up as you age, usually after. Herpes infection can cause a painful eruption that looks like a blistering strip wrapping around one side of the body. Sometimes the rash appears on the neck or face. Some people have pain, but no rash. Other symptoms include: Wrinkles vaccine can help reduce your chances of getting wrinkles. If you have herpes, see your doctor. Starting early treatment can shorten the infection and reduce its chances of having other problems. Some causes of lower left abdominal pain only affect women. These conditions may be more severe or require medical care. Pain can also develop on the right side of your abdomen in these cases. Menstrual colics (dimenorrea)The lamps usually occur before and during their menstrual period. Although pain may vary from a minor discomfort to something that interferes with your daily activities, menstrual cramps are generally not serious. See your doctor if:Endometriosis With endometriosis, the tissue that is normally covered within the uterus also grows outside the uterus. This can cause abdominal pain and lead to infertility. Some other symptoms are: The cause of endometriosis is unknown. It is time to see your doctor when your symptoms are severe and interfere with your daily activities. Ovarian cyst An ovarian cyst is a sack full of fluid inside or on the surface of an ovary. These are part of a woman's normal menstrual cycle. Most cysts do not cause symptoms and disappear without treatment in a few months. A big cyst can cause discomfort. You can also press into the bladder and cause you to urinate more often. A cyst that breaks (breaks open) can cause some serious problems, such as intense pain or internal bleeding. Talk to your doctor or get medical help right away if you are experiencing: Ovarian Torsion Large ovarian cysts can cause ovary to change position in a woman's body. This increases the risk of ovarian torsion, a painful twist of the ovary that can cut the blood supply. The fallopian tubes can also be affected. Ovarian torsion is more likely to occur with pregnancy or the use of hormones to promote ovulation. Ovarian torsion is not common. When it happens, it is usually during the reproductive years of a woman. Talk to your doctor if you feel sudden acute pain in your abdomen with vomiting. Surgery is often needed to unravel the ovary or remove it. Ectopic Pregnancy A fertilized egg is implanted before reaching the uterus. This usually occurs within the fallopian tubes that connect the ovary with the uterus. You may or may not have symptoms with an ectopian pregnancy. In addition to abdominal pain, symptoms may include: Talk to your doctor if you have these symptoms and think you may be pregnant, even if your pregnancy test is negative and still very early. An ectopian pregnancy that explodes (after open) is serious and needs surgery to repair the fallopian tube. Get medical help right away if you are: Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)PID is a reproduction system infection in women. It is commonly caused by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, but other types of infections can also lead to PID. You may or may not have symptoms with PID. In addition to abdominal pain, symptoms may include: Talk to your doctor if you think you or your partner have been exposed to STDs or if you have genital symptoms such as an unusual ulcer or discharge. Some causes of lower left abdominal pain only affect men. These conditions may be more severe or require medical care. Pain can also develop on the right side of the abdomen in these cases. Inguinal hernia An inguinal hernia is the result of fat or part of the small intestine pushing through a weak area in the lower abdomen of a man. This type of hernia is much less common in women. Some symptoms include: This type of hernia can cause serious problems. Get medical help immediately if you have: Testicular Torsion In testicular torsion, the testicle rotates. This reduces blood flow to testicles and causes severe pain and inflammation. The cause of this condition is unknown. Testicular torsion can occur in any man, but occurs more often in children. Some symptoms include: Testicular torsion is very serious. Get medical help right away if you have sudden or severe pain in your testicles. If the pain disappears on its own, you still need to see your doctor right away. Surgery may prevent damage to the testicle and preserve your ability to have children. Do you care about your abdominal pain? Have you lasted more than a few days? If you answered yes to both questions, it is time to see your doctor. If you don't already have a supplier, our can help you connect to doctors in your area. Until then, pay attention to your pain and see if anything makes it easier. The lower line? Listen to your body and see your doctor before then if the pain persists. Healthline and our partners can receive a portion of income if you make a purchase using an earlier link. Read this now.
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In some cases, these symptoms and signs can point to something more serious. If these symptoms concern you, you better call your doctor right away. While the list below can be considered as a guide to educating yourself on these conditions, this is not a substitute for a diagnosis of a health care provider. There are many other medical conditions that may also be associated with your symptoms and signs. Here are several of the MedicineNets: Gas intestinal (Belching, Bloating, Flatulence)Gas (intestinal gas) means different things for different people. Everyone has gas and removes it by itching, burial or fart (flatulence). Abdominal distention or swelling is a subjective feeling that the stomach is larger or more full of normal. Cooling or burial occurs when gas is expelled from the stomach by mouth. The flatulence or the fart occurs when the intestinal gas passes from the anus. The causes of itching or burial include drinking too fast, anxiety, charred drinks, habit, and air consumption. Learn about the causes of intestinal gas, foods that cause gas and swelling, treatments that reduce excessive gas and soothe gas pain, and much more. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is an IG disorder (gastrointestinal) with signs and symptoms that include abdominal pain, swelling, gas increase (flatulence), abdominal cramp, diarrhea, constipation and food intolerance. There are currently two new tests available that can help diagnose irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea and constipation (IBS-M) irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea (IBS-D), and irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS-C). Treatment for IBS includes dietary changes, medications and other lifestyle changes to manage symptoms. GastritisThe gastritis (aguda and chronic) is an inflammation of the stomach lining Some people do not have symptoms of gastritis, but when they occur they may include swelling, pain, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. H. Pylori infection and Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the two main causes of gastritis. Alcohol, caffeine and high fat foods can also cause gastritis. Fried, fatty and spicy foods, and alcohol exacerbate the symptoms of gastritis. Other irritants of the stomach lining that aggravate symptoms include smoking cigarettes, acid juices, caffeine, tomato products, peppers and chili powder. Foods that symptoms of soothing gastritis, and that help reduce and stop H. pylori infection growth in the stomach includes apples, onions, garlic, teas, green leaf vegetables, coconut water and wheat bran. Gastritis is diagnosed with endoscopy, blood tests, or stool tests. Some people get relief from the symptoms of prescription gastritis and nonprescription, histamine blockers such as hamotidine (Pepcid AC) or ranitidine (Zantac 75), or proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) as omeprazole (Prilosec) and esomeprazole (Nexium). These medications will not cure gastritis. Gastritis complications include gastric cancers, MALT lymphoma, kidney problems and death. ConstipationConstipation is medically defined as less than three stools per week and severe constipation as less than one feces per week. Constipation is usually caused by the slow movement of feces through the colon. There are many causes of constipation including medicines, poor bowel habits, low fiber diets, laxative abuse and hormonal disorders, and diseases mainly from other parts of the body that also affect the colon. In MedicineNet, we believe it is important to take control of your health through measures such as a healthy lifestyle, the practice of preventive medicine, following a nutrition plan and exercising regularly. Understanding your symptoms and signs and getting educated about health conditions are also part of living your healthiest life. The above links will provide you with more detailed information about these medical conditions to help you learn about the causes and treatments available for these conditions. symptomchecker Do you care about health? Click here to visit our Symptom Checker. Symptoms & Signs A-Z ListHealth Solutions From Our sponsors©1996-2021 MedicineNet, Inc. All rights reserved. MedicineNet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. . Categories of Health Popular Health CentersMedicineNet
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